Hi, I'm Sara. I'm a career change expert.
Are you at the point in your job/career where you just can't do it anymore and something needs to change?
Like maybe a whole career change?
I work with professionals in early to middle career who are unhappy in their jobs/careers. They’re stressed out, overwhelmed, and exhausted (and maybe even getting sick from all the stress)
They know they need to do something to change their situation and know this line of work isn’t for them
But they don’t know how to make that change
Because they don’t know what they want. They don’t know what they would do instead of what they’re doing now
They feel like they don't have options. Or haven’t a clue what kind of work they would actually enjoy (and maybe wonder if that’s even possible). Or sometimes they have a vague idea, but are unsure about it all.
There’s a lot of confusion and 'I don’t knows'.
They’re conflicted, frustrated, disappointed asking, “Is this all there is? I worked so hard to get here, but it’s not what I thought it would be.” They’re wondering how to get from where they're at now to a life they enjoy. All they know is their job may look great on paper, but feels terrible to them. My clients come from careers in law, investment banking, management consulting, marketing/communications, engineering, F500 companies, significant institutions and more.
If you’re thinking “Yes, this is me!” you’re in the right place.
The Path
I believe your authenticity is your power in all facets of life, but especially in your career.
When we do work that feels most authentic to us, we thrive. This is a path to clear away all that is not authentically you so your truest self - your true desires and the discovery of work you love - can come through.
It’s a path to be walked with self-love and patience. The unfolding of you deserves nurturing and space.
If we’re miserable and things aren’t working out for us in our career we want to look at what we’re doing and why. It’s only with an understanding of the thinking that has got us here that we can begin to make changes to create something new. Overall this step is about exploring all that’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours. We want to look at what has been motivating our career/job choices, and identify all the fears, thoughts and beliefs (all the “shoulds”!) that are the basis from which you’ve been living and making your career decisions.
Find Your Truth
With awareness of all the thoughts, beliefs, fears etc. that are running through you, we can then slow down and take a closer look at them. In doing this we gain a deeper understanding and find what’s actually true for you. Much of what we may be thinking isn’t true or serving us. Once you see more clearly, the “you” that has been living out a life believing the untruths can be let go of. Like a caterpillar entering a cocoon, the space for your authentic self to come through is created.
Step Into You
You are a unique individual with authentic desires - true likes, wants and preferences. From an early age, we have internalized so much instruction from the world about how we “should” be and what we “should” do that many of us have overridden and ignored our authentic self. We’ve become chameleons, feeling it’s unsafe to show our true colors and be who we really are. And over time we’ve innocently lost and come out of touch with our true self. But the life you want is not possible without showing up here as your true self. So now let’s get to know him/her, perhaps for the first time. “Hello, sweet one, what do you want? What excites you? What makes you feel alive?”
Honor Your Desires
In this step you begin to move toward what you want step-by-step. Fear will come up. Your limiting beliefs will still feel very true. You’ll want to rush things to get somewhere and feel safe. Here, awareness of all that will be your best friend. Stay focused on your truth and what you want for your life. It will all unfold for you in a way your mind won’t be able to see right away. Moment to moment follow your nudges and know you will be guided.
Free Tools
Getting Unstuck: A Guide To Unclutter Your Mind
Clarity starts with exploring your thinking
The Inner Playbook to Finding and Doing Work You Love
10-day e-mail series
Tired Of Trying To “Figure Out” What You Want To Do?
A more effective approach
What Clients Say…
Sara does more than just give career advice, she really connects with her clients and encourages them to integrate their inner self with their outer actions. Before finding Sara, I was having a crisis of character and identity that had thrown everything I had known about myself and my future into chaos. Sara was able to help me slow down, be still, and find my own inner compass that helped set me on a truer, more beautiful path for myself - not only with respect to my career, but how I approach all of my decisions. What I was able to get out of six sessions with Sara was more helpful than years of therapy in terms of finding self-love, acceptance, and confidence to live my life for me. She truly has a gift for gently guiding those who are lost while still holding space for their confusion and grief during uncertain times. ~ S.T. Seattle, USA
Sara has been a true beacon of light in a terrifying, difficult, transitional time. Navigating a career shift and getting in touch with me, as me, not as my resume, has been incredibly rewarding while working with Sara. She handles sessions with professionalism while bringing compassion and care, making each session not just about work but about your whole person, potential, and desires. She asks the hard questions with empathy to help you find the path that is right for you, rather than repackaging your existing storyline which may or may not be serving you. In Sara, I had a partner who understood the career I had built as well as my deep desire for something different. I recommend her most highly for anyone looking not only for day-to-day work, but for a career path that feeds the soul. ~ S.Z. Boston, USA